Welcome to TheCreditCruncher.com

The Credit Cruncher was conceived to help you to keep up to date with credit crunch and recession developments, it provides some helpful credit crunch advice and it addresses personal debt. The Credit Cruncher also seeks to explain how the credit crunch started and shed some light on the worldwide recession. Recently, we have begun to look at how BREXIT will affect the UK economy. Please feel free to leave comments where relevant.

24 Mar 2009

Beat the recession

There is opportunity in every situation, even in deep recession there are ways in which money can be made whether it be buying and selling on eBay or starting your own business geared towards national or local needs.
This is probably not the ideal environment in which to open a High Street outlet, and the coming years will see a lot of shops fail. In the modern age, the easiest way to begin a business is to begin with an online presence and develop the company once established in the market place.
The costs involved with creating a website are minimal beginning from just a few pounds a month for a simple site, and the service is truly global so you can purchase your webhosting from a domestic or off-shore provider.
Your first and most important steps to building a website is in the planning stage, where you will determine the overall purpose and 'personality' of the site. The next major step will be to decide on a URL and get a deal with a hosting provider - this is where a service such as www.WebHostingRating.com comes in offering an independent comparison of the top hosting sites. By this time you will know whether you will want to use 'Wordpress' CMS, how many 'MYSQL' databases you are going to require, and whether you will need a shopping cart facility - you can search the best providers in each specific category.
Getting things right at this stage will save you a lot of trouble in the long-run, you really don't want to have inadequate hosting as switching providers is messy and time-consuming. It is a good idea to invest some time in making sure that your host offers you everything that you will need for the foreseeable future.
These principles will apply as much to the next 'eBay' or 'Facebook' as they will to a personal blog or small retail site.
With great money saving offers online in all types of services and goods, the future is definitely online. Despite the 'dot.com' bubble having already burst in the nineties, we are now settling down into an era where buying online is as routine as a trip to the shops. Online start-ups are relatively cheap and while most will fail, unlike high street premises, their owners will not lose a fortune in the attempt and will be able to bounce back with another attempt almost immediately.

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